My brother, Louis, who lives in Dubai, has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 Esophageal cancer. This came as a huge shock to all of us, especially with him being so far. His condition has affected his eating and causes great discomfort when trying to swallow and he is often not able to keep any meal down. Knowing all this and wanting to help as much as possible we started doing tremendous research in terms of curing cancer with food.
We learned a great deal and once again were reminded that mother nature cares for us in so many ways especially with food. Over the next while I will be sharing our findings and give tips on how to boost your health and prevent illnesses.

Did you know that eight ounces of carrot juice can contain as much as 800% of your daily recommended dosage of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential and necessary for tissue growth, especially within the bones. Vitamin A is also very important in maintaining good vision. The old myth that eating carrots will help you see better is true, as vitamin A deficiencies can lead to vision problems such as night blindness. Spinach is also a very rich source of Vitamin A. Although vitamin A is very important for your body, it is also important to maintain moderate levels of vitamin A intake, as too much can lead to liver toxicity, and other health problems.
Carrot juice is also an excellent source of vitamin C. An eight ounce glass of pure carrot jce can provide your body with up to 35% of your daily recommended dosage of vitamin C. Vitamin C has a wide variety of uses throughout our entire body, such as collagen production of the mucous membranes, skin, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C is also a very crucial antioxidant.
Carrot juice is an excellent drinkable source of potassium. Potassium is very important in helping to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance and fluid level in the cells of your body. It's also necessary in muscle movement, such as contraction, as well as neurotransmission. Potassium deficiencies are very bad for your body, with such effects as Hypokalemia, acne, muscle spasms, dry skin, and elevated cholesterol levels. Carrots juiced with celery or turnips can provide your body with a large intake level of potassium. An eight ounce glass of pure carrot juice will usually provide up to 10% of the daily recommended intake level of potassium. It should be known that individuals who suffer from kidney disease, should avoid taking in large amounts of potassium, as it can be very harmful on the organs.
How to make carrot juice:
You will need:
A Juicer
250gm carrots (washed & scrubbed)
2cm cube ginger root
Switch your juicer on and feed the carrots into the juicer 1 by 1. When all the carrots are done, add the ginger in the same way. Drink within 20mins.
Juice variations:
A little spinach juiced with a few carrots will deliver a vitamin A mega beverage. Vitamin A is also very crucial for expectant mothers and the unborn fetus.
For a calcium shake, you may also choose to juice your carrots and then blend it with yogurt for a carrot juice smoothie, which makes for a healthy breakfast shake, or evening dessert.
Carrots juiced with celery or turnips can provide your body with a large intake level of potassium.