Wednesday 16 November 2011

No more spillage this summer!

Have you ever had this happen to you? You are enjoying and every sip of your last bit of bubbly while lying and soaking up the freshness and enjoyment of your picnic when suddenly you put your glass down and there goes the last bit of your champers. Yup, this has happen to us so many times. Well fear not, we have the perfect answer to this most annoying issue: Spiked Glass Holders. For only R 45 you will never have to deal with spillage / wastage again. These spikes fits wine and champagne glasses and will fit into any picnic basket.

This fabulous invention is available from Dial-a-Picnic's new online shop

There are lots of other fabulous picnic accessories available at the shop like picnic blankets, baskets, champagne coolers, etc.

Sorry for the silence!

Shoe this time of the year just flies past you and before you know it it is Christmas. Sorry for the silence the last 4 weeks. I am back now and will bring you all the latest and greatest trends in picnics.